Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Programme for Day 2

1st Keynote Address: Dr. Charlene Butler, Educationist, Past President of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine. Seattle USA.
Evaluating outcomes that matter for children with cerebral palsy.

2nd Keynote Address: Prof. Lorna Jacklin, Paediatrician, Wits University.
Non accidental injury as a cause of cerebral palsy: Causation and identification.

Dr. Joanne Potterton, Physiotherapist, Wits University.
The impact of HIV on school going children.

Ms. Natalie Benjamin, Physiotherapist, Muriel Brand School.
Application of the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) and the Gross Motor Classificcation System (GMFCS) in the clinical setting – evidence of reliability and validity.

Dr. Tiziana Aduc, Neurologist.
Classification of cerebral palsy syndromes.

Prof E. Erken, Emeritus Professor, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Wits University.
Botox for diplegic cerebral palsied children and adolescents.

Mss. K. Tonsing, K. van Niekerk (Speech Therapist & Occupational Therapist), & T. Phiri, CAAC, University of Pretoria..
Giving adults with cerebral palsy a voice.

Ms. Lesley Silberstein, Occupational Therapist, Perth, Australia.
A model for adult CP services.

Ms. Esther Wallis, Speech Therapist, Muriel Brand School.
The experience of aggression in boys with cerebral palsy.

Dr. Gillian Salojee, Physiotherapist, Wits University.
Five days – enough time to make a difference – the Malamulele Onward model.

Ms. Erika Fuge, Occupational Therapist, Shonaquip.
Seating and postural support in persons with cerebral palsy.

Ms. Janet Bester, EEG Technologist.
EEG’s in CP children.


  1. We should focus much more on the abilities of all disabled. This is already changing, but more people need to be made aware of it.
    Also focus on independance, self help, making them more aware of their abilities, gifts etc. Give them responsibilities, take charge of their lives and assist where needed.

  2. The focus is very often on the schools, children of school going age or younger. To concentrate also on the adult CP's and all their challenges. We might get more adult CP's to present and in the audience. Could we maybe have?: - once in 2 years a conference concentrating on young CP's and once in every 2 years a conference concentrating on adult CP's
